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Tribest Solo Star-II Single-Auger Juicer

The SoloStar-II is the newest model in the SoloStar line and raises the bar for single-auger juice extractors. The original SoloStar has garnered a reputation of being the finest single-auger juicer available with its dual-stage extraction process and quiet efficiency. The SoloStar-II features updated auger design and juicing mechanism in order to make vast improvements in performance and quality.Dual-Stage juicing process. Even more efficient than the 1st generation SoloStar. The ejected pulp is dryer than that from other juicers, which means you get more juice out of your produce. Its extremely slow rotation speed ensures that juice extracted with the SoloStar-II is of the highest quality, and of the best flavor, with no heating of the juice. Less oxidation of the juice can contribute to more of the living enzymes and nutrients being extracted intact Versatility. It can handle virtually any fruit, vegetable, leafy green, herb, or grass that you could ever want to juice. It can also easily convert into a Pasta Presser. Use your favorite ingredients to make your own fresh spaghetti or fettuccini type pasta noodles. Add different juices to your pasta dough to enhance flavors, and create exciting new colors. The SoloStar-II can also be used as a grinder and mill. Grind, chop and mince your favorite spices, or use the mill to make delicious rice cakes right in your own kitchen Quality. It gently crushes and squeezes your produce and will not heat up your juice or destroy any of the precious nutrients and enzymes. Conventional high-speed centrifugal juicers "fling" your juice around, heat it up with blade or basket friction, and damage much of the nutrients, live enzymes, and fragile taste of the juice. The SoloStar-II delivers all the natural goodness and flavor that you should demand from a juicer Durability. Only the highest quality, heavy duty materials were used in the construction of the SoloStar-II. Its excellence of design ensures that it'll be juicing for many years to come. SoloStar-II is UL approved, and meets the highest of standards Parts Included: Funnel, Fettuccini Nozzle, Homogenizing Nozzle, Spaghetti Nozzle, Pulp Strainer, Foam Strainer, Juice Container, Pulp Container, Juicing Screen, Homogenizing Screen, Plastic Plunger Built in carry handle 180 Watts - 80 R.P.M 5-Years Warranty
Price: 259.00
